Blaby District Council New Local Plan
Housing plans form part of the Blaby District Council (BDC) new Local Plan
The new Local Plan will set out a blueprint for how the district will grow and change over the next 15 years and beyond.
The Council consulted on the new Local Plan Options document between January and March 2021, giving the public an opportunity to comment and feedback on issues and concerns. Although the consultation closed in 2021, BDC still want to hear from as many residents as possible – so it’s important even now to have your say! (Contact information at the bottom of this page).
At present Blaby are drafting the new Local Plan after looking at the feedback from the public consultation (called Regulation 18). There will be another chance for everyone to give their thoughts on the draft Local Plan (at Regulation 19 stage).
BDC Update August 2024 – Work on the new Local Plan for the District continues but is being reviewed following proposed changes to the national planning system.
The government has issued a consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which provides guidance to all local authorities about development. The proposals include reintroducing housing targets.
The planning policy reform includes proposals for an increase in new mandatory housing targets for Blaby District. The Council’s Planning team is reviewing the consultation to understand how the changes could impact the District.
The new Local Plan would guide development across the District until 2041. Updates will be provided as soon as there is an understanding of the impact for Blaby District. This will include a review of Local Plan timescales and housing targets.
Please access the following link to read more
Leicestershire County Council have identified the land between Stoney Stanton and the M69 as a Strategic Development Area (SDA) – this relates to the Land West of Stoney Stanton (LWSS). Together with Blaby District Council (BDC), they are putting forward proposals that would see around 6,000 new houses being built across this area. See more details here.
The SDA could form part of Blaby District Council’s Local Plan to build around 17000 new houses across the Blaby District. This far exceeds the number of houses they are required to provide, but BDC has agreed to pick up a large proportion of Leicester city’s un-met housing needs, when Leicester themselves should be considering brownfield site developments, inner city rejuvenation and sharing the burden across the whole county.
How will it affect Stoney Stanton?

The above map shows plots of farmland around Stoney Stanton that are being considered as “reasonable” for development by BDC. They form part of the Councils Local Plan Options Document.
These proposals threaten to destroy many hundreds of acres of farmland, without providing clear details of any infrastructure in place to support them.
On top of this, the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI) would occupy the other side of the M69 as well.
Most of the areas highlighted above are up for consideration (red sites indicate housing, whilst blue represents industry and warehousing including the HNRFI) – but they are not a done deal, so if we don’t want them to happen, we all need to make our concerns known to Blaby District Council Planning department to prevent them being shortlisted for the final Local Plan.
You can view the Council documents for yourself here.
Appendix 6 includes Stoney Stanton area giving the list of sites and the rationale for consideration (go to page numbers 214-231).
Please see the Action Group responses on the Options document here (add link)
Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan
What is the Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan (FVNP)?
The FVNP has been put together by the parishes of Croft, Huncote, Sapcote, Sharnford, Stoney Stanton, Thurlaston, Aston Flamville, Leicester Forest West, Potters Marston and Wigston Parva. Part of The Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan aims to protect the villages from large scale development taking place on green spaces and farmland adjacent to the villages. It also aims to ring-fence the villages from further development and seeks to improve infrastructure and facilities.
In May, 2021, the Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was held, with the following question:
“Do you want Blaby District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Fosse Villages to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
and residents of the Fosse Villages voted an overwhelming Yes (3439 votes in favour and 586 against)
The FVNP is not to be confused with the Blaby District Local Plan which is currently being formulated. However, the FVNP, along with other neighbourhood plans, have to be considered by Blaby District Council when they put their Local Plan together. It’s not a guarantee against further development, but it’s a formal opportunity to ensure that Blaby District Council do take into account residents’ opinions when considering planning applications.
The plan ensures that the threat of further developments in and around Stoney Stanton are considered in the best interests of the village and residents.
The FVNP does not include specific sites for development, but seeks to protect our villages and rural surroundings.
The plan (Referendum Version 2020) can be downloaded here There is also information available on the following link: Neighbourhood Planning – Blaby District Council -(see pages 70-76 for specific reference to Stoney Stanton)
Useful downloads:
Action Group Response to Questions
Please make sure you refer to Blaby Local Plan Options Consultation
write to: Blaby Local Plan Options Consultation, Blaby District Council, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough, Leicester, LE19 2EP
Our elected local councillors are:
Luke Cousin –
Neil Wright –
Please support the Stoney Stanton Action Group using the form above! We’ll help you to write to the right people at the right time and we’ll keep you informed every step of the way.