If you haven’t found answers to your questions throughout this site, then please let us know – we’ll try and answer specific questions in this section and keep building it as we hear your concerns and views.
Action group
You will be able to view the Relevant Representations here shortly via the Planning Inspectorate website.
If you have registered as an Interested Party (submissions closed on 23 June 2023) you will be invited to give a written submission. This will be requested fairly early in the examination period. You are also able to attend a hearing on one or more aspects of the proposal, should you wish.
The examination period lasts for 6 months.
When this junction was originally built, the authorities didn’t agree to an exit to and from Coventry, because the local road infrastructure couldn’t cope. The only thing that’s changed since then is a substantial increase in the volume of traffic. With little or no improvements to the road infrastructure around Sapcote, Stoney Stanton and Burbage.
For some of us, the opportunity to travel to and from Coventry at junction 2 would be very convenient – However, without significant improvements to the roads around our villages, we’ll see huge congestion and increased traffic on our already overloaded village roads. We’ll also see commuters from other villages using us as a shortcut to the motorway.
No, all these proposals must go through formal consultations.
We can all make a difference in making the case against these developments as strong as possible. There are plenty of examples where communities have succeeded in stopping developments or ensuring the objections are taken into account.
For the HNRFI – register for email updates on the Planning Inspectorate website to ensure you have the opportunity to make sure comments and representations in the future
For the LWSS – this is not yet submitted as a plan but please register as a supporter of SSAG and we will email you when comments can be made on housing proposals.
There are a number of ways to object to these proposals. Mainly this will involve writing to your MP, local council and to the developers themselves. This can be done at anytime, however during formal consultations all objections have to be considered and reported upon.
The action group will try and help you through this process, letting you know when the best time would be to write and information on key issues to consider including in your feedback to the Planning Inspectorate.
We hope so! Imagine if everyone raised their objections to these plans, which will change our village beyond recognition, our voice would be incredibly loud and strong! One thing is certain – if we sit back and do nothing, it will be a done deal. Stoney Stanton needs you!
The action group are keeping abreast of planning developments with both the Examination Stage for the HNRFI application and the Community Liaison Group for the Land West of Stoney Stanton proposal. We aim to keep villagers informed of the key issues. There is a committee (new members very welcome!) and if you have any questions please send them in via the website.
People are need to:
- Join the Action Group
- Deliver leaflets
- Help with the Action Group social media
- Come along to an Action Group meeting
Additionally we can all talk to neighbours and friends about the issues and spread the word.
If you can help in any way, then contact us using the form on the website.
We will highlight the key issues on this website for villagers to use in their responses. It is important that when writing in – that comments are made in your own words – and relevant to key issues regarding the development.
The action group committee will inform villagers of important dates in the planning process, via this website and flyers, so that objections will have maximum effect at the right time.
During the process, there will be optimum times to send your views to various public bodies (e.g. Blaby District Council, our MP, Tritax (formerly DB symmetry), Leics Council etc). Details of addresses/email addresses will be published on the website or sent out via email nearer the
appropriate time.
There is a simple “support your village….” form on the top right of every page of this website – here you’ll be able to register your interest. If you have a specific question or would like to volunteer to help, then complete the “contact us” form from the main menu.
The Parish Council are working incredibly hard to contest these plans. They have asked for support from Stoney Stanton residents, to allow people to raise their concerns, and to get involved with the issues that will affect us all. Consequently an action group was formed.
Amongst other things:
• Destruction of the natural environment and farmland.
• Huge impact on traffic in the village, and the local area.
• Massive pressure on current infrastructure (school, doctors etc.).
• Increased noise and air pollution.
• Huge increase in the size of Stoney Stanton and Sapcote
Nothing has been decided yet! It is NOT a done deal. Communities in different parts of the country have objected to similar proposed developments and won!